Saturday, October 4, 2008

Communication is the key to success

We are all different people when it comes down to our personalities, the only thing that binds us together is communication. With the increase of Information Technology globally, communication can be done through various medium such as Cell phones, Voice mails, Emails, Instant Messengers, Internet, Web Conferencing, etc. Every communication medium has its own advantages and disadvantages. No matter what the medium, it is the Communication style that helps the information flow from one person to aother . Each of us have a unique communication style that we use in our personal and professional lives. According to Cheryl Hamilton in her book Communicating for Results, "Managers, employees, and customers typically use four styles when communicating: the closed, blind, hidden, and open styles."

The Closed style, consist of people who don't like to interact with others. These are hardworking and productive people that are comfortable working with things rather than people. The Blind style requires low-feedback and are a overconfident group. The Hidden style communicators are good listeners. They are a people person, they expect everyone to get along without any conflicts. The Open style communicators like to overly express themselves. This group tend to fall on the high-disclosure, high-feedback ends of the communication style quadrant.

According to the 'Survey of Communication Styles - Long Form', my style of communication is 'Blind'. I completely agree with the survey, it matches my personality in general life and at work. I usually know what I want, there is never any doubt where I stand. I am very organized, loyal, and dependable. I usually have answers for everything, or find answers on the way of solving the issue. Things that can be an issue with me is that, I can be very demanding, I am impatient and not a good listener. I may seem arrogant and over confident at times, which might not be acceptable to people I work with or deal with at times.

This is my communication style, I hope to hear about yours......


Hamilton, Cheryl (2008). Communicating for results: A guide for business and professions. (8th). Belmont: CA: Wadsworth. 3 (11), 70-81.

Lu, J. (2005). The listening style inventory (LSI) as an instrument for improving listening skill. Sino-US English Teaching, 2 (5), 45-50.

Jourdain, K. (2004). Communication Styles and Conflict. Journal for Quality & Participation, 27(2), 23-25. Retrieved October 5, 2008, from Academic Search Complete database.